When do children learn English?

How many hours a week does a child need to learn English to become fluent?

This is the question most parents ask when looking for the best bilingual school for their child. We don't have a universal answer for you, every child is different. At Maple Bear, we approach children the same way, supporting them on their unique journeys to acquire a second language. Children absorb it in the same way they learn their mother tongue: by listening to stories, through conversations, reading books and textbooks, speaking, playing, writing texts, and during conversations with teachers and classmates. The child is in an English-speaking environment where language develops much faster than simply memorizing new grammatical categories and vocabulary. Gradually it becomes more natural for the child to use the language and become bilingual.

How do the English classes at Maple Bear schools work?

It is important to mention that at Maple Bear Schools we do not only offer English language classes, but also teach other subjects using the immersion method in English. In maths or science, children think, talk, count and explore in English. In the kindergarten, all teaching is done in English. Pupils in primary school are also encouraged to master the Czech language, Czech history, Czech geography and culture.

Our founder and CEO Rodney Briggs answers the most frequently asked questions about immersion English language learning:

Will my child really learn English fluently? How long will it take?  

It takes a long time to learn to speak any foreign language at a high level. Not only the quality of the teaching is important, but also the motivation. However, most children make progress in the first year. Within a few months of the first term, they usually start to pick up the language and imitate their teachers. In the second half of the year and beyond, they usually understand the language better and use it more consciously.

The children communicate exclusively in English with their teacher and therefore become so accustomed to English that they do not use any other language in the classroom. We see this especially in the younger children, who adapt easily to their environment and their choice of language.

Thanks to the immersion method, children are soon able to use newly learned words and grammatical categories in their speech both in and out of the classroom. On the other hand, those who learn by rote memorisation have much more difficulty in formulating sentences when they are put in a situation they have not practised beforehand.

How can I help my child learn English if I don't speak English myself?

Parents should take an active interest in their children's learning. Read to them, create situations in which they can use what they have learned at school.

Just the fact that you are reading these lines shows that your child's learning is important to you. That's great. Read on for more information regarding the immersion method of teaching, keep educating yourself. Guide your child to use their newly acquired knowledge outside of the classroom.

Will my child speak Czech and English fluently?

Your child will learn as many languages as he/she needs and has the opportunity to use. Encourage your child to use English, praise him/her for his/her efforts to use English in everyday situations, and provide reading and listening materials in both languages. You don't have to worry about confusing the languages. Research suggests that children benefit from learning new languages, and our experience is consistent with this in practice.

Find out more about bilingual education on our website!